Gynaecomastia Treatment: Ask Your Doctor These 7 Questions

Gynaecomastia Treatment: Ask Your Doctor These 7 Questions

Gynaecomastia is a condition that causes enlarged breast tissue in men. It is often manifested during puberty and can also be associated with excess body fat. While the condition typically goes away in adolescence, it can persist into adulthood if left untreated.

There are a variety of methods that can be used for the Treatment. Most treatments aim to reduce breast size by shrinking and repositioning the breast tissue. Liposuction may be recommended if a patient has excess fat on top of enlarged breasts. Whereas non-surgical methods include topical creams, medications, weight loss and changes in diet, exercise routines, and behaviour modification.

However, you have to thoroughly research and communicate well with your doctor about different treatments available for Gynaecomastia, the risks involved, and of course, the results.

Below is a list of essential questions you should ask your doctor before starting Gynaecomastia Treatment.

1. What type of  Gynecomastia Treatment do you recommend to me?

Gynaecomastia is a condition that can typically be treated in one or two ways, including surgical and non-surgical methods. While surgery has a faster recovery time and effectively reduces breast size, it involves the risk of complications and cost.

You should ask your doctor about the pros and cons of different types of treatment. Also, ask which treatment is recommended for you. If a patient has excess body fat above enlarged breasts, liposuction can be recommended to reduce the breast size and the fat above it. However, if you want a firm solution, surgery may be a better option for you. A good doctor will always give you clear advice about different treatment options and suggest the best treatment.

2. Is your hospital well-equipped for Gynecomastia Treatment?

If you decide to have surgery to treat enlarged breasts, you should ensure that you are being treated in a hospital that is properly equipped to handle any complications. You should ensure that the hospital has best-in-class equipment and the most experienced doctors and nurses. The last thing you want is to end up with botched results because your hospital does not have the proper tools or skills to carry out the procedure.

3. How should I prepare for the Gynecomastia Treatment?

Gynecomastia Treatment may require the patient to make lifestyle changes before and after the procedure. You should ensure you know what changes you will have to make. These may include any dietary restrictions, recommendations, and instructions on post-operation care. A doctor would be able to give you more information on common side effects and how to minimise their occurrence with proper care.

4. How long is the Gynecomastia Treatment?

Depending on a variety of factors, the treatment length can vary from several weeks to several months. Depending on your work schedule and commitments, you should plan your treatment. In addition, your doctor should also let you know if you can expect to see any changes in breast size fairly quickly after the procedure.

5. Are there any risks associated with Gynaecomastia Treatment?

There are several risks associated with every treatment. You should get information about the risks associated with the treatment from your doctor and know what can happen if any complication occurs. Some common risks include bleeding, skin discolouration, and scarring. Your doctor should be able to tell you the possible risks associated with treatment in your case.

6. Are results guaranteed?

Gynecomastia Treatment is not guaranteed to work for everyone, and some patients may have to undergo more than one procedure. You should be aware of realistic possible results and how many procedures you may go through. Your doctor should be able to give you a realistic idea of the results you can expect after the treatment.

7. What is the cost of the Treatment?

The cost of Gynaecomastia treatment varies depending on the severity, method, and duration. You should get detailed information on what your treatment will cost before you sign any documents or pay any fees.


Gynaecomastia Treatment requires thorough research and an understanding of the procedure. Your doctor should be able to give you a clear picture of what treatment is best for your case. You should also be aware of any medical procedure’s possible short-term and long-term risks. So, it is best to ask all the questions that you may have and follow your doctor’s advice.

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