Determine Your Fertility Window With an Ovulation Calculator

ovulation calculator

Ovulation is the process by which an egg is discharged into the fallopian tube during the course of a female reproductive cycle. It usually takes place between 13 and 15 days prior to the first day of a woman’s period. The timing of ovulation shifts from cycle to cycle, and there are even some cycles in which you won’t ovulate at all.

What an ovulation calculator is, and how could it assist in conception?

The ovulation calculator and ovulation calendar will help you pinpoint your most fertile time of the month. The days that are stated have the greatest chance of a woman becoming pregnant. In the event that you become pregnant during your subsequent cycle of fertile days, it is also able to tell you the anticipated date of your delivery.

Time of ovulation: the facts

  • Ovulation is the process by which a fully developed egg is released from an ovary. The fallopian tube then carries the egg to the oviduct, where it can be fertilised. If sperm are present in the fallopian tube when the egg is released, there is a good chance that it will be fertilised and produce an embryo, which can develop into a baby.
  • Pregnancy can technically occur if sex only occurs on the day of ovulation or in the five days leading up to it. However, a woman is at her most fertile in the three days leading up to and including her ovulation. Now is the best time to get pregnant, so go ahead and have some sex.
  • Twelve to twenty-four hours after ovulation, a woman is no longer fertile because the egg has already left the fallopian tube and is now on its way to the uterus to begin a new life.
  • However, if you have sexual activity outside of the fertile window, you greatly reduce your chances of becoming pregnant (though you shouldn’t rely on this if you don’t want to have a baby; contraception is your best bet!).

Check for these ovulation signs

Here are the seven most reliable indicators that it’s ovulation time:

  • Resting causes a temporary increase in core body temperature, which then returns to its normal resting level.
  • The mucus in your cervix will clear up and become thinner and smoother, similar to the consistency of egg whites.
  • As your cervix relaxes, it opens wider.
  • Tiny twinges of pain or mild cramping can occur in the lower abdomen.
  • One’s libido can increase in intensity.
  • Light spotting is visible.
  • The area around your vulva (vagina) may look bloated.


Factors that inhibit ovulation

Fertile women may not all ovulate. Many factors can influence whether or not you are able to ovulate. Think about polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) as an example. Women with PCOS often have hormone imbalances, particularly in the sex hormones oestrogen and progesterone.

This causes an increase in ovarian cyst formation (benign masses on the ovaries). Problems with menstruation, fertility, cardiovascular health, and even outward appearance have all been linked to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in women.

Further, ovulation suppression and premature menopause may result from thyroid hyperactivity or hypoactivity. Likewise, some anxious women will not ovulate. If you are having trouble getting pregnant or you don’t think you’re ovulating, you should talk to your doctor about fertility testing or getting a 7 week ultrasound.


Menstruation, or the shedding of the uterine lining, will occur regardless of ovulation. But it’s possible that your cycle will be shorter and lighter than usual. 

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